Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My first blog about FEED

Well hello there fellow blog readers (-:

So this is my first OFFICIAL blog and uh the topic is

about this book called Feed by M.T Anderson. (Better then Shakespeare)

So here it goes….


Topic one: What are the “lesions” a reference to? What causes them? Is there anything similar to today?


            The lesions are a reference to these gapping, bloody open cuts that the characters in the book get from their feeds (microchips implanted in their brain.) An example of the mentioning of the lesions is made by Quendy. On page 26 Quendy comes back from the bathroom and says “ omigod! Like big thanks to everyone for not telling me that my lesion is like meg completely spreading.” This reminds me of girls and pimples yet not as severe. What causes these lesions is most likely that there is a MICROCHIP in their head, basically a cell phone, internet and radio in one transmitting radioactive waves in your brain which when exposed to high levels of radio activity over a long time period can cause the body to react in many negative ways, for example in this book the lesions that everyone has. In the book it is like the lesions are normal, yet I wonder if they really even know what is causing them, but then again what is causing them probably doesn’t teach these kids the negative effects of this chip in their brain! Today I feel that there are a few things that could be comparable to the lesions today. For example nuclear plants or pollutants that cause defects and then people get mad and ask, “ Why does my baby have fifteen toes?" While right next to their house is a gynormous company that is causing all these defects in people and animals that we pay for( No one is really trying to stop it, but they complain about it, but their supporting it, similar to the feeds.) Also this is similar to a cell phone. Every time we have the cell phone on and it is in our pocket or we are talking on it waves are being emitted and in turn go into our body which equal bad!


Topic two: “We went to the moon to have fun, but the moon turned out to completely suck.” How does this sentence set up the novel?


            This sentence sets up the novel automatically with appearingly spoiled, ungrateful children. It is clear from this sentence that there will be a vibe throughout the book that these kids do not understand what being able to go to the moon means to previous generations. That is an amazing accomplishment to be able to have stability for life on the moon and this just shows that this novel will contain a few ungrateful brats.


Topic three: What do you notice about the language

Anderson uses? What is his purpose for doing so? How is it effective?


            I notice that the language Anderson uses throughout the novel is as if they (main characters) never had English or reading class. (Im sure they have not really had that class…) The kids have even came up with new words such as null for bored and meg for very. Yet people today make up slang words that sound just as dumb so I guess its normal. I believe the purpose for him (Anderson) doing so is to show that this story is in another time period. Also I think it is a point that if today we rely to heavily on electronical devices and that becomes our life, we to could sound like idiots. I think it is effective for giving the book a vibe of dumb downed children (a not so smart generation because of the past)